Photo, 2022 by Nico Spahni, taken in Jam-Studio Winterthur



Portraits by Mike Albrow

A well-executed portrait is expected to show the inner essence of the subject (from the artist's point of view) or a flattering representation, not just a literal likeness. I strive to achieve the emotion and character of the sitter.

I have completed several portrait commissions , although,  very challenging, is something I have enjoyed immensely.

I offer portrait workshops in Jam-Studio, for further information and enquiries, please click on the link.

Workshops in Jam-Studio

The Studio in the heart of winterthur for drawing and painting, with live models. We offer life Drawing classes, if you are interested in Anatomy or Portrait classes if you are interested in classical portrait.

Enquires, please use the contact page here. 


Für sämtliche Künstler, egal ob Anfänger oder Fortgeschritten, die anhand eines Modells ihre Techniken üben und verbessern möchten.

Unsere Workshops sind ideal für ein regelmässiges Training zur Vertiefung der Kunstfertigkeit und Weiterentwicklung Ihrer Techniken. Wir arbeiten in kleinen Gruppen von 5 - 8 Künstlern, Ziel des Workshops ist das Selbstvertrauen zu verstärken. Anhand eines Models lernen wir Proportionen, richtig Messen und Verkürzung.

Wir beginnen mit kurzen Posen, wobei wir die Gesten des Models trainieren und fahren weiter mit längeren Sequenzen von bis zu 30 Minuten, welche dem Künstler Zeit geben, seine Skizzen und Bilder zu prüfen und zu verfeinern.

Jedermann / -frau ist herzlich willkommen.

Commissions and Projects  


Mike Albrow is an accomplished artists in his own right and also accepts commissions for bespoke art work, whether it's a classical Portrait or a large abstract painting on canvas, he can help you find the right style and painting that suits your home. 

145806685_3675852432530457_5939295647913468914_njpgGoing to the Moon a collaboration art work.

I am over the moon that our collaborative art work "Magdalena's battle with the boar" which Michelle Bird and I painted simultaneously in 2013, will be included in this lunar adventure! a project by Nasa scientist, Samuel Peralta to send digital images of contempory art to the Moon. Due to be launched in 2024. will keep you posted. Our art work can be viewed on the Lunar Codex website in gallery H. Click here to see this art work.


The Church Project 2024

Spirit of the Rose
Hope and renewal
The events of 500 years ago in Stammheim

Official opening 7 April 2024, 10.00 hrs, Reformierte Kirche Unterstammheim

Skulpturenweg Stammheim
(Schaffhauser Fernsehen - Gedanke am Wuchenend 27.4.2024 mit Ueli Peter, Theaterregisseur "Stürmische Zeiten") 

Beitrag von Radio Munot

The Church Project 2018

In 2018, I was asked by our local Vicar Heinz-Jurgen Heckmann, to create a work for the local  Church to celebrate the past 500 years.
after a couple of brainstorming sessions we came up with the idea:
 "The Celebration of Life"
A 30 meter long Canvas divided into 3 Strips and 3 workshops sessions of local people who were tasked with painting under the instructions of myself. The preliminary Sketches and drawings were completed over a period of 6 weeks. The results were outstanding, incorporating the talents of young Children to Seniors who contributed to this project with great enthusiasm.

The Celebration of Life hung in the Church from April to October 2018
Click on the photo for more images